Training: Advanced Language Skills for Coaches and Therapists

Expanding Enterprises, Inc.
777 Royal Saint George Dr.
Suite 210
Naperville IL 60563
Monday - Saturday
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

"Expanding Your Consciousness Since 1991"

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Advanced Language Skills for Coaches and Therapists
Five days of integration training that combine into amazingly powerful communication skills.

Advanced Language Skills for Coaches and Therapists is an Advanced HABT(sm) Certification Training

Completion of this training (as well as the other HABT(sm) certification requirements) certifies you as a HABTsm Practitioner.

Before reading on about Advanced Language Skills for Coaches and Therapists training, be aware this program has 16 days of training from Expanding Enterprises, Inc. as required prerequisites. You would want to have significant exposure to most of the models and techniques used in HABT(sm) before you attempt to take a 5-day integration class such as Advanced Language Skills for Coaches and Therapists. 


We discovered the most common thing coaches and therapists seem to do with/to/for their clients is TALK with them!

So, obviously, this ability to talk with people is pretty important!

This training is a collection of all of the different language styles and skills taught in all of our other training classes with a focus on integrating and intervening strictly with language. You will learn to interact with others and include matching their predicates, matching their meta-programs, utilizing their convincer strategies, incorporating hypnotic language and utilizing Sleight-of-Mouth patterns. This is the training where you will put all of these skills together to get the maximum impact each time you choose to speak.

Integration of Your Skill Training

This class teaches the integration of a powerful set of communication skills that you have previously developed by utilizing “techniques.”  Now, in your advanced training, you will learn how to lead people through techniques with just a simple conversation.  You will take what you already know and add to it the power of sleight-of-mouth language patterns.  This makes your interventions much more effective, as you will learn to set your clients up for success by beginning to utilize strategic language throughout your entire conversation.

This training series will teach students to:

  • Learn new distinctions and methods so you can literally diagram belief structures, and identify the easiest component to shift and change. (Absolutely no background in cognitive therapy or counseling is required!)
  • Learn how beliefs are formed, and techniques for changing beliefs based on how they were created in these different ways.
  • Learn methods for changing belief structures conversationally - without the person knowing you are doing it.**
  • Learn when to ask strategic and specific questions, and when to use "fluffy talk" to help influence yourself and others.
  • Learn to change your own beliefs so you can develop yourself beyond your self-limiting beliefs and limitations.

    ** Many of the techniques taught in this training were developed by Mr. Westenberg when he worked with criminally insane patients who thought it was "cool" to kill people. Mr. Westenberg worked to change these beliefs - without the patient's "consent" or permission, to help integrate them safely back into normal society - and he does not apologize for that! The fact is, despite their legal charges and attitudes toward murder, they WERE going to be discharged back into society at some point. So, he felt these techniques would be useful to avoid further violence. He also believes that parents have a right to use these covert techniques on their children when they start to believe things like drug use, violence, crime, destruction of their own lives and the lives of others are a cool idea. Mr. Westenberg simultaneously believes that it is inherently unethical to do covert belief change work unless the client and the therapist are working together toward the same agreed upon belief.

    Join us to explore a very unique model of human functioning!
    Note: This class has a large number of prerequisite training programs.

Develop your ability to:

  • Integrate the techniques you have learned into larger models of how people think and behave
  • Develop language skills so that you can do techniques without having to actually tell the person what you are doing
  • Enhance your ability to communicate effectively by learning to detect and match a person’s communication style in seconds

HABT training sequences and teaches information completely differently, based on Mr. Westenberg's graduate degree in Adult Education. He discovered different ways to package information to teach it in larger "chunks," and thus teach it more quickly and more easily to others.

We believe HABT(sm) Practitioner Certification far exceeds the requirements of any amy other communication training both in quality and scope of information learned. This is because our materials were created by a therapist who also has a Master’s degree in Education and thus are very carefully structured in the way they are sequenced. The precision of our practice exercise objectives also assures you will be integrating and demonstrating your learning, and we work very hard to strategically create a positive training environment. That translates to having fun is very important to learning.

These classes teach the integration of a powerful set of communication skills that you have previously developed by utilizing “techniques.” Now, in your advanced training, you will learn how to lead people through techniques with just a simple conversation. You will take what you already know and add to it the power of conversational hypnotic language patterns. This makes your interventions much more effective, as you will learn to set your clients up for success by beginning to utilize strategic language throughout your entire interaction.

During interactions any therapist, coach, parent or teacher is an external influence that either was or was NOT sought out by the client. In the case of parents or teachers, they may be an external influence that the “client” is possibly just tolerating. For teachers or parents, it is often advantageous to have indirect or covert influence so that the recipient gives themselves the credit for the shifts and changes and does not “resist suggestions” simply because of their source.

In contrast, a therapist or coach may wish to maximize the clients awareness that the coach/therapist is leading them through change processes. Literally, the person leading the change sometimes wants the recipient of services to overtly know that they are the one helping the individual making the change.

1. Advanced Language Skills for Coaches and Therapists – Covertly facilitating changes

In this track of the HABT(sm) Practitioner Certification, the focus is on more covert or indirect methods of influence. The clients continual awareness of the purpose and processes you are leading them through is not required. This is often necessary for teachers and parents, as they are often working with individuals that are not very cooperative and may even be openly defiant. Thus working covertly becomes much more important. This is also useful for therapists working with clients in a mandated treatment environment.

2. Creative Influence – Overtly assisting changes

In this track of the HABT(sm) Practitioner Certification, the focus is more on cooperative and conscious interventions – the client “knows” you are walking them through a process and you involve them more in both information gathering and the intervention process. You are using influence, however the client is generally aware of the different nudges you are providing. The advantage to this as a therapist or coach is that the client is more aware that you are the leader, and thus they are more likely to have more sessions with you.


Day 1
Increasing Interpersonal Rapport

Your level of rapport with any person will be one of the most important factors in maintaining and enjoying that relationship.Come and learn the ultimate forms of rapport, including things you never thought possible. Discover the secret key to making communication impactful that cannot be taught in a book or an online course! Learn methods for creating and “sharing” states with others that do not even require a conversation. Learn seven ways to lean a person’s attitude toward liking you when you meet them.

Day 2
The Meta-Model and Influential Language

The Meta-Model is a tool for getting very specific information from any interaction. It is taught as a sort of “sport” or game in this class to help learners enjoy what is secretly a training on linguistics. The focus is on communicating at the appropriate level of detail.

In contrast to detailed communication, there are times when you want communication to be appropriately vague. Have you ever noticed how some people have a natural ability to make people feel better when you talk with them? You will often find that they are using particular influential language patterns. These patterns help people to find closure to their problems, and open the door for new learning and opportunities.

The “direction” of communication will be studied for two days. You will need to be familiar with at least one of the topics before attending this training. You need enough understanding of the topic that you can learn the “meta-level” topic of levels of communication by practicing with the content of the training.

Day 3

In this training, participants will learn advanced forms of anchoring, including unconscious anchors, multiple anchors and enhancing body responses. If you think Pillar of Excellence” is the peak of anchoring, wait until you discover the deep iceberg under that peak! This skill can also be taught to clients to help them alleviate symptoms of depression, increase motivation and deal with difficult situations and people. Best of all, anchoring can be used to program your brain to release good feelings in response to simple cues in your environment. You can learn to tie anchors to hypnotic patterns to increase the impact of both. Discover just how intense you can make your own body’s response to feelings and emotions!

Day 4
Beliefs and Sleight-of-Mouth

One of the most influential levels of our thinking is the level of beliefs. Learn how to uncover the structure and relationships of a person’s belief system. This can help both you and your client’s uncover limiting beliefs that can be changed with a number of different techniques. This module also teaches a series of questions that can help to “loosen” or lessen the commitment to opinions and beliefs. Called, “Sleight-of-Mouth,” these patterns help shift the cognitive categories in which beliefs reside, and thus make them more flexible. By combining SOM and presuppositional forms, once can learn to shift beliefs conversationally.

Day 5

Submodalities is a complete model for change discovered in the early days of Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP. Submodalities are the “pieces” we use to build internal representations of events and code their meaning. By re-arranging the pieces of a memory strategically we can change the meaning, change the impact or even change the reaction to our internal representations. Submodalities-based interventions can be utilized to make any other change method more impactful. You will be expected to target your own submodality shifst, and develop a technique for creating the shift for yourself, and then within another person. Thus you will learn to structure your own interventions using submodalities!

Join us to discover just how incredibly flexible you can be at changing your own internal world, or helping others to make their world more comfortable and enjoyable!

Our focus will be helping you as an individual develop the level of skill and mastery that will help you to create consistent results in your change work.

We also want to make sure you understand the importance of having fun while learning!

For more information, call:

(630) 663-8914

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