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Enroll here in Expanding Enterprises, Inc. certification courses.

Expanding Enterprises, Inc. offers a variety of two-day to four-day-long certification courses designed to enhance personal and professional development. You are then guided through the process of starting an LLC to help you market and provide your services independently. Here are a few certification training options you might consider:

The Shifting Memories Method(sm):
This 3-day training program is our flagship certification. Passing the class and the certification requirements allows you to potentially participate in offering this service to the public, as this course is one of the EEI services offered to the public as part of “The Tribe of Nine Project(sm)” outreach program.
The fee for the training is $1,500.00.
Your filing an Illinois LLC with attorney review will cost an additional $200.00.

Resolving Conflicts – Internal and External 4-Day Certification Training
The Radiant Release and Recovery Method(sm) 2-Day certification training – July 2025