Our company president, Mr. Larry Westenberg, brings a variety of experience and expertise to our organization. His skill contributions include:
1.) Fortune 50 Instructional Designer – Mr. Westenberg has been creating online classes, in-person training and virtual leader-led training courses for nine of the 50 largest (Fortune 50) companies in the United States since 2005. Three classes he created as a corporate Instructional Designer and MSEd. were bought by MIT for use in their graduate school. He has been creating training and Job Support materials under the title of Instructional Designer, Instructional Developer and Change Management Consultant since 2005 as a contractor, with repeat contracts at AT&T, Blue Cross and Blue Shield (3x), Abbott Labs and others.
2.) Professional Psychotherapist/Licensed Clinical Social Worker – Mr. Westenberg worked in the Illinois state psychiatric hospital system for 15 years, from caseworker on a unit, to Social Worker II in Central Admissions specializing in Forensic admissions. He has diagnosed and treated every level of mental illness from locked-ward inpatient, to forensic (criminal court involved) patients, to recovering stroke patients in outpatient rehabilitation, fielding crisis calls, to being an Emergency Room Qualified Psychiatric Examiner for involuntary inpatient mental health treatment. He worked primarily in mental health from 1984-2005, and has been doing private practice counseling since 1998.
3.) Certified Trainer and Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) – Mr. Westenberg began studying NLP in 1991. After working full-time in mental health for seven years, he was frustrated that forms of treatment developed in the field of mental health seemed to not work. NLP taught him a huge number of skills for helping others achieve their goals. This often included helping people cope with mental health symptoms, rather than trying to find some way to uncover and “treat” some mysterious cause for their “illness” from the past. He spent 20 years and over $100,000.00 attending and assisting at numerous NLP certification programs. He was very concerned that most people who were certified in NLP never knew “what technique to use when.” By combining his knowledge of education and psychology with his experience as a therapist, he developed streamlined, non-psychological models, and defined training experiences for people wanting to help others make shifts in their thinking.
4.) Author and Self-Help System Designer – This led him to develop the training program, “The Shifting Memories Method(sm)” and to write a book entitled, “Beliefs and How to Change Them: A manual of methods of changing beliefs in ourselves and others.” These tools then led him to develop 22+ classes in a personal development system he created called, “Human Animal Behavior Training(sm) or HABT(sm). HABT(sm) shows people how to make shifts in their experience that change how they think, feel and behave. They then learn to use non-therapy techniques to shift the thinking of others by teaching them the advantages of multiple perspectives.
5.) Authorized Instructor of the First Degree and The Second Degree Official Programs of The Radiance Technique® – Mr. Westenberg has studied to The Seventh Degree of The Radiance Technique®, an energy-based stress management system. He received The First Degree in 1986, and received The Seventh Degree in 2009.