Training in The First Degree Official Program of The Radiance Technique® requires twelve hours of training spanning a minimum of three days. It is frequently taught over an extended weekend in three 4-hour classes. Mr. Westenberg is willing to travel to teach this course. Contact him directly for more information about hosting this training in your area. A complete packet of guidelines for hosts is available, as well as free brochures and marketing materials. The fee for the First Degree is $495.00. Maximum class size is 10 people.
Training in The Second Degree Official Program of The Radiance Technique® also requires twelve hours of training but it is spread over four days instead of three. That is four 3-hour classes spanning a minimum of four days. The fee for the Second Degree is $795.00. Maximum class size is 10 people.
Hosting and class location is handled directly through Larry Westenberg.
Mr. Westenberg offers hands-on applications of TRT® so that you can experience the relaxation and benefits of direct contact with whole, balanced, Universal energy for yourself. The fee for a hands-on session is $50.00, and takes just under one hour.
If you decide to take The First Degree Official Program of The Radiance Technique® training for yourself, you can apply the $50.00 fee you paid for your hands-on session to your $495.00 fee for the class. (Maximum total discount is $50.00.)
I have studied to The Seventh Degree of The Radiance Technique®, and I had the deep honor of completing my study (i.e., received the Third Attunement of the Seventh Degree of TRT®) with Dr. Barbara Ray in 2013. That was 27-years after I got started working with TRT® in 1986! I began working with TRT when I was 24-years old.
I attribute my ability to complete two master’s degrees while working full-time and doing two internships to the stress-relieving support and improved concentration benefits I experienced from working with TRT®.
A description of The Radiance Technique® is not the same as the direct experience.
Following the descriptions and information below, there is an invitation to experience a hands-on application of The Radiance Technique® for yourself for only $50.00 for an approximately hour-long session. We very strongly encourage you to experience this amazing science for yourself!
Dr. Barbara Ray, world’s foremost authority on this ancient energy science, writes:
“The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki®, Real Reiki®- Is a cosmic, vibratory, universal, energy science of Eastern derivation in contemporary times and rediscovered by Dr. Usui in the mid-Nineteenth Century. The actual science, itself, is composed of Seven Degrees with Attunements appropriate for each Degree. The science itself has an orderly interior process which, when intact and unaltered, gives access from within to transcendental Inner Light. The purpose of this cosmic science is to give direct access to inner, universal, Radiant energy. This purpose is within the Whole and the connected parts derive their special functions from the Whole not from other parts. Intact, The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki®, Real Reiki®, activates from within the processes of Wholes and the Qualities of Wholeness inherent within all living things. This cosmic, not earth, science awakens and expands the principle of universal energy within and supports the journey to your ultimately healing/wholing, cosmic birthright – Enlightenment. On the way, this Radiant, universal energy can be applied to all lower planes (denser vibration) of energy in an interaction supporting and moving in the direction of LIGHT, ALWAYS. The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki®, Real Reiki®, is not a philosophy, a religion, a cult, an idea or opinion, a medical or disease science nor any other kind of man-made technique – it IS a precise, orderly, cosmic, Inner plane science of universal energy activating and expanding from within a cosmic, transcendental, universal, radiant principle of energy expressing outwardly in qualities of LIGHT, of Wholeness.”
(Excerpt is the entry for, “The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki®, Real Reiki® on page 231 of, “The New Expanded Reference Manual of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki® – Third Edition.” The first edition was published in the United States of American in 1987, copyright 1987 by Dr. Barbara Ray. The third edition is copyright 2011 by Dr. Barbara Ray, published by Radiance Seminars, Inc. in association with Radiance Associates, St. Petersburg, Florida 33736. ISBN 13 978-0-933267-17-6 and ISB 10 10-933267-17-7. The Radiance Technique International Association, Inc..
The Radiance Technique® , The First Degree Official Program of The Radiance Technique® ,The Second Degree Official Program of The Radiance Technique®, The Third Degree Official Program of The Radiance Technique®, Radiant Touch®, The Official Reiki Program®, The Intact Master Keys of The Radiance Technique®, The Radiant TRT Heart First Ashram®, Authentic Reiki®, Real Reiki®, TRT® are registered service marks held by The Radiance Technique International Association, Inc. Used under license with permission to use as shown in this context.